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Cat Pregnant or Not


My 27 months old female Persian cat stayed with a male cat for two days when she was in heat. The male Persian was very interested but she was very standoffish and stressed out from the new place. This was 7 Weeks ago. She hasn't been in heat since then but I don't see any belly or nipple enlargement. Could she be pregnant?

Hi Irena,

It's very unlikely she's pregnant if you're not seeing signs of it at this point. Uncommonly, a cat will carry just one kitten, and she will gain very little girth around the middle. She may also not lactate a great deal, so mammary enlargement might not be pronounced.

The only sure way to determine whether she's pregnant or not is to have the vet run a test. At this stage, either a blood test or an x-ray will be accurate. I prefer x-rays because they'll tell you how many kittens to expect. And contrary to common belief, a film or two won't harm the babies.

If your cat isn't pregnant, it's possible she's gone into heat since the last time you had noticed. Many cats have what's known as a "silent" heat, where there aren't the behavioral signs that they are in heat, but they are, indeed. There is often still some clear vaginal discharge, and the cat may posture if stroked on her lower back. If she has been regular until now, see if her next heat falls in line as if the missed one was just silent. It may help make your breeding plans easier if you know she is experiencing a silent heat now and then.

Good luck!