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head cold


My female cat has a head cold. She has runny eyes, is sneezing and has a stuffy nose. I don't know if this just has to run its course? She seems tired but is still eating and using the litter box. Thanks.


The vet may want to put her on a mild antibiotic (like amoxycillin) to help her cope with secondary infection.  Most cat upper respiratory infections (URI) last 10 days to 2 weeks to run their course.  However, the mucous and stuffy head and achiness seems to be relieved with the mild antibiotic.

Normally, if she is eating, drinking, and using the litter pan OK, I would hold off.  At the first sign that she is not eating, drinking or using the litter pan, it will be time to whisk her to the vet.

Best regards... Norm.