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cat prego.


QUESTION: my cat supposing had mated with a cat in the past week and she was in heat. i was wondering if there is a possibility that she is pregnant and how long it will take until she has her kittens?

ANSWER: Kasadee,

The 21 days after the two cats bred, if the female is pregnant, he nipples will be bright pink and more prominent.  This only lasts a couple of days and is not foolproof.

Normal gestation is 65-67 days after breeding with 63 days being a normal minimum and 69 days being a normal maximum.  by the 6th or 7th week, she should begin to get fatter.

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok sooooo

if my cat has an interest in dog food and doesn't eat her cat food at all is that a normal prego. announcement???????

i hope that it is because i really want her to have babies!!!

the only thing is that she is Manx and calico but her night in shining armor in a black and white tabby!!!!!

just thing what her babies will look like!!!


Cats may eat all kinds of things, including dog food, just to be different!

The surest way to know your cat is pregnant is to have the vet check her.  You also want your vet to know since, in case there is an emergency, you will need to know what to do.

The babies will have various tail lengths and at least half (if not all) will be with white.  The males may be black and whites or red and whites, the girls can be black and whites or calicos.  If your calico is really a "patched tabby", you could get brown tabby and whites or red tabby and whites or more patched tabbies.

Best regards... Norm.