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Inappropriate Elimination


I have three cats, the mother, son, and daughter.  The mother is about 12 years old.  My problem is one of them is urinating in certain areas around my house if we leave a handbag on the floor, or clothing she will wee on it, normally this is in my daughters room, I have also caught her weeing/pooing in the bath.  She has found a new place which is my dogs bedding.  I am saying she as I believe it is the mother cat as i have caught her once before, but not recently.  It has become more frequent which is why it is bothering me now.  
I have three litter trays but one of my cats (the daughter)likes to use two of them, so  that idea hasn't worked.
I have purchased feliway diffuser hoping this will help, but I haven't used it yet.  I might just add all my cats have access to a cat flap and they do readily go outside.
Please help I am at my wits end and don't know what else to do.

This is a common issue but a tricky one too as it is caused by something which is either upsetting your female cat or she feels the need to mark her territory.

Are all the cats spayed / neutered? I ask this because if not then this could be one of the possible causes as they will have a stronger need to mark territory etc.

Because this is a difficult problem and not one that has one particular cause etc it is better that i ask you to read my pages about this issue for a fuller explantion and also to advise what to do.


best wishes kate