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Newly adopted cat


We just adopted a very sweet torti from our local shelter and she was fixed several days's been 2 weeks and her fur is starting to grow back on her belly, but that's not all that's growing...her nipples/teets are getting HUGE!  It's almost like she's got milk, perhaps she recently had kittens before her adoption?  I just want to make sure there's not a bigger issue.  Thoughts?


I would suggest having the vet check her over just to be on the safe side... The nipple enlargement you are seeing might be as simple as a hormonal issue related to being intact and repeatedly cycling prior to being spayed, possibly being in an early stage of pregnancy when she was spayed, etc or it could be an indicator that something more serious is going on. I'm not sure how long your shelter's pet health guarantee would allow for free medical coverage, but check your paperwork because that information should be there - most places offer a 14 day guarantee from the date that the papers are signed and the pet leaves the shelter so you may be able to get her seen by the shelter veterinarian who spayed her for free. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again at any time - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
