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siamese vs maltese


hi.. i have have a snowshoe siamese for almost 4 years.. i just purchased a 8 week old maltese..tia(siamese) is very jealous cat..she hises alot at the 2lb puppy. she will not even come into our living room anymore because daisy's (maltese) crate is in there. Tia is not eating or drinking..will these 2 pets ver get along..will my cat get sick from not eating?? help....

Hi Julie,

I would give both cats their own space for a few weeks before you try to introduce them again.  It will take about 6 months for them to come to terms with each other as I have seen with my 4 various age rescues.  Right now, your Snowshoe could be a bit put off at having another animal in the house!  Give them both time apart before you slowly let them be together in the same room when you are there.  I've also seen where some people dote too much on the new pet, making the older one feel bad.  Yes, I have done that once.  But usually within 6 months your pets will adjust to your schedule AND best - to each other in their own terms.  

Snowshoes are very bred, intelligent cats and she will figure it out long before your new puppy : -)  She woon't starve herself!  I bet when you are sleeping, she is sneaking out to eat or get a drink?  You may want to move her food, water and kitty box to an area away from the puppy for a few weeks until you re-introduce them.  

Good luck to you both and just remember it does take time for everyone, including you possibly, to adjust in the "new" animal household!
