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Dry flaky skin of nursing queen


What could I add to my Misty's food that would help get rid of the flaky skin.  She is an American bobcat she had 5 kittens which are weaned.  Her hair was so matted and dirty, I took a electric grooming clippers and cut her hair down to nothing but fuzz, she was so happy she just laid and let me cut is off.  I them gave her a bath with an aloe and oatmeal shampoo from the vet.  Is there something I could add to her diet to help her skin and hair stay healthier.  I got her after she had the kittens as a favor to a friend.  Since I got rid of all the hair and gave her a bath,  she is a freindly, people cat.  Before she was sort of standoffish.  Is there something I can put on her skin to keep it soft and healthy?


There are a couple of products that you can use.  You can get something called Dermcaps liquid.  But I really like and use a product called Dream Coat made by Halo.  I have found 16 oz bottles for as little as $12.56 + shipping.

I would put it into a pump bottle and use about a squirt once a day mixed into wet food.

Best regards... Norm.