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my cat has a bloody discharge


Hi Teresa,
i just went and emptied the litter tray as my heavly pregnant birman pooped and it stunk to high heaven and noticed a bloody discharge in her poo. she also has it stuck to the hair, i have her dates as due next week begining monday 29th September, it is a week early, is this the start of labour and is a week to early, it is her first litter, she is about 2 and a half, she has been licking herself a real lot and in and out of the box i have provided but not really any other signs, i can hold my hand on her stomach and feel the babies moving..
cheers, kelly (australia)

Hi Kelly, I would guess that she is only having a digestive upset. This is not uncommon in pregnant cats as you can imagine she is near the end of her pregnancy and her system can get out of whack very easily. Give her a good cleaning and  make sure that she is eating small meals often with lots of fresh water available at all time, and that she has no change in her diet. no  milk.. no dairy products.  
when she is ready to deliver you will be able to feel the contractions on her side. She will have a bloody discharge then also.. mixed with a clear watery mucous. But, I don't think it is what is happening now.
If she has a bowel movement when she is in labour it won't smell that horribly stinky like you mentioned.
Good luck ! Teresa