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I ivermetin my horse and dogs for worms and tapeworms. Do you know of any adverse reaction for this to be used with cats?

Hi Rhonda.  I'm not sure I fully understand your question.  Cats don't tolerate ivermectin as well as most species.  It can easily reach a toxic level, and for this reason, it's generally avoided.  Some very diluted forms are used in the ears to treat ear mites, but injectable or oral Ivomec in amounts that would be sufficient enough to kill parasitic worm infections is very risky in cats.  Adverse reactions are generally neurological in nature, including confusion, tremors and seizures.

However, many dewormers that are used in dogs are safe to use in cats.  Many, but not all.  Those safe to use include pyrantel pamoate (Nemex, for example) and fenbendazole (Panacur is one brand).  The dosing is the same per body weight as for dogs.  Adverse effects are extremely rare but could include vomiting.

Please let me know if that didn't answer your question.

Best regards!
