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kitten elimination


I am fostering a mama cat who currently has six kittens.  She is probably around a year old, was abandoned by a friend's neighbor.  She lived outside and gave birth to eight kittens probably 8/4.  Two died 8/8.  The mama was sick, at the emergency vet she had a temp of 107.5.  She was prescribed amoxicillin, 1ml every 12 hours for 15 days.  For the next few days she wasn't nursing much, I fed the kittens KMR though they didn't like it.  8/12 I took her to the vet again because she had a ruptured abscess on her stomach, low down slightly behind the teats; that was the reason for the fever.  It is a rather nasty open wound.  I'm supposed to give a direct infusion of antibiotics into the wound.  But she is eating, drinking, and nursing now, seems to be feeling much better.  The kittens seem content, eating and strong.  My concern is that I don't really see her cleaning them.  When I was feeding and toileting them I could get them to urinate but I never saw any kitten poop, and I really tried tonight.  I noticed a lot of built-up gunk on the kittens' front claws, especially the ones that nurse near the open wound, and that makes me worry.  So if she was cleaning and helping them defecate, would I be finding little kitten poops laying around the nest area, or does she kind of clean that up?  I'm worried the kittens are going to get sick if they don't poo.  Sorry this is so long, and thank you for your time.

Hi Erin, so what the mom had was mastitis. This is not uncommon in run down cats. It is important that that wound stays open and doesnt seal over again as it will get infected again and you will be back at square one. So, if you can't get the ointment into the wound try to soak her wound in salty water to keep it clean at least.. and to keep it open. These wounds should heal very slowly as they are usually quite large.
Now, onto the kittens. If the kittens have any dirty spots on them it means the mom is not cleaning them properly which would include their rectum area. So, if she is not cleaning the rectum ... then they are not eliminating... and yes, they can get sick. If she is cleaning them and they are defecating then she eats it... sorry.. there is not other way to say it ! So, you will not see anything in the nest. Just keep an eye on her. If you see her flipping them onto their back and licking them a lot then she is taking care of it. You may have to wash those front claws yourself... but really it is better to be washing mom and keeping her teats clean. You can also scissor off some of the hair in that area to help keep her clean. Mastitis is a serious infection and it is important that she is cared for as the bacteria will spread to the kittens also and make them sick.
I hope this all makes sense.. ? Please write back if something is not clear to you. Teresa