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grey cat breed


my daughter found a cat and he was just 2 wks old...eyes had just barely opened.  we had to bottle feed and do all the other things you have to do for a newborn kitten. my question is what breed could he be closest to.  he  is a gorgeous solid grey short hair with yellow eyes and a green rim around the pupil.   he chirps a lot.  and he does meow if upset .  he loves to play with our cavalier.  (i think he thinks he is a dog.)  any info would be helpful...he really is gorgeous.


We call these domestic short hairs. Many different breeds of cats come in a solid blue (grey) color.  Most have yellow to yellow green eyes.  Some have copper eyes, some emerald green eyes, and some orange eyes.  Examples, Blue Persians (long haired), Blue Exotics (short haired, Blue British (short haired) all have copper eyes. Korats, Russian Blues are short haired with bright emerald green eyes.  Blue American Short Hairs tend to have green to hazel colored eyes.

So, while I am sure your kitty is beautiful, it is probably no specific breed, which makes it no less important in the big scheme of things. After all, cats tend not to seem to know or care what breed they are!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.