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Neighbours Cats

20 16:45:40

I have two cats (Male Kitten) (Female 3Yrs) and have recently moved into a new house.
Our three neighbours each have very large cats.
These cats have started coming into my home to eat my cats food and rough them up.
We get visits from these cats atleast twice a day, and chase them from the house.  I have a big problem with these bullies, and cant keep my freespirited babies locked in the house all day.  Please help me, to keep them away from my home. (I do not want to hurt these other cats, after all I wouldn't want others hurting mine.)

well theres nothing you can really do, if they were stray cats you could catch them and take them to the pound but since they are the neighbors cats theres nothing you can do but keep you cats inside. cats are very territorial, they will run off any cats that is on there turf.