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20 16:44:43

Hi Lisa,
I'm going away for vacation and wonder if I should have someone come to my house or board my cat. I think the cat would be happier at home but I worry about him being alone for a long time. What do you think?. Also, I'm moving to another state and wonder what's the best way to transport the cat. Flying or driving?
Thank you,

ok. tricky subjects here...but here is MY opinion.

the cat will be more at ease and comfortable at home. you board the cat at the vet or somewhere it will spend its time in a cage most likely. isnt it better off alone AT HOME? i would just have someone go in twice daily, to empty the potty and make sure food is available. if you have a friend that the cat knows, ask them and tell them to feel free to turn on the tv and stay a while if they want.

now about moving. animals are treated as luggage when you fly. if it were drive. that way you can stop at rest stops and pet the kitty and offer water and food. if your cat is trained to a harness and leash you could even open the carrier and let it walk around a bit at the rest stop. oh, and if you dont have a pet carrier, buy one. it is a necessity when you travel. i have found that if you put the carrier in the back seat of your car, and put the seat belt thru the handle, that really is the safest way to go, it keeps kitty safe and it keeps the carrier from flying around in an accident.

well good luck and happy moving!!.