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how to treat a skiddish cat with advantege flea treatment


hello, I have 5 cats, they all have fleas, they are all inside cats, I can treat 4  with no problem, but last winter I took in a kitten who was skiddish and still is and not friendly to us, she runs when we try and catch her to pet her, soooo how in the world can I treat her with advantage? The vet said to throw her outside and hope for the best for her, she has been fixed,but I love her and can't throw her out where she was all alone, as a kitten help?

A vet should NEVER EVER!!! recommend to throw a animal outside to fend for itself NEVER!!!!!. I would try to set a cat trap, it doesnt hurt them at all to catch her,OR I would try and get her in the bathroom or a room by herself with food and water then go in there and talk to her and tell her its okay and tell her u love her and basically baby her then try to pick her up and if you cant do that them try a towel on top of her and "jump" on her and put her between your legs and put the meds on her.As for the skiddishness i would ask another expert about it because i hosnetly dont know how to treat that but i can suggest i think its called comfrtzone but im not sure i would go to ur nearest pet store and ask them about it.

i hope i helped you keep me updated


p.s. May I please have the vets info