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I have an outdoor cat that I saved from a small town grocery store on a busy road. She has been very good exept for these last few months, she has peed on furniture and dirty clothes. I thought maybe she just wasnt using her litter box so I keep her in my room now with the litter box and she is doing fine, but she did pee on the bed a couple of times. After a few more weeks I am noticing that now she is drinking major amounts of water. She goes through bowls of water daily. Since yesterday she has been throwing up after she drinks her water. I keep it put up now, thinking she is over drinking the water but she just wines for it. I dont know what is wrong with her and I know I should take her to the vet and get her checked out but I just want to know whats wrong with her.

HI Kelsey,

This is an emergency take her to the vet ASAP. Your cat probably started out with a urinary tract infection that has been left to long and the vomiting & water drinking etc indicates she may now have a kidney infection. PLEASE DO NOT DELAY taking her to the et or she may have permanent kidney damage.