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coughing cat!!! pleas help


Hello, hopefully you can help me with my cat problem. my cat BO-BO is 10 years old he is a 26 pound tom cat. (and king of the street i might add!) about two weeks ago i heard him coughing at night. it only lasted a few minuets but it DID NOT sound very good. i thought it was a hair ball. But he has done it every few days since. When he coughs his little toung is sticking out of his mouth. he is a fluffy cat that is prone to fur Balls but in all his 10 years i have not heard this kind of cough. please let me know what you think is might be, or if you know of someone who does. thanks!

For starters I would make weight-loss a priority.  It isn't healthy and will make any illness far worse.  If you can not afford to take him to the vet I would make sure to at least give him an inch and a half of hairball remedy per day.  If after a week of this he is still coughing it could be something else and I would recommend a trip to the vet.

Good luck!