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Need help.


Hello there,
we have 2 kitten's that were born from a tamed stray.
And they are 5 week's old but they are not walking yet.
Insted they flop and crawl.And i dont know what to do!

please help me!

Hi Tina.  I had this same issue when I was the foster mum to 5 itty bitty kitties.  Unfortunately, their mum had gotten into some poisonous stuff... and passed along the issues to the kittens.  I'm not saying that this is what happened to mum in your case, but since they were born to a tamed stray, it's a real possibility.  If they are like this after 6 weeks, then a visit to the vet will be necessary to check for a few things... 1st off, for worms - to deworm, etc.  A good check up is good for any newborn pet.  The vet will want to do a blood test, to check for any contaminants in the bloodstream, and will do some neurological testing with the kittens especially.  Be sure to take mum with you, so the vet can check mum out (if she is still in the picture, that is).  Is she still nursing them? Are they eating properly and pooping and all those good things that baby kitties do?  You'll want to take some pretty detailed notes to the vet when you go... so he or she has as much info as possible.

Let me know how they are doing!