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Broken pelvic bone


Hi, My cat was run over my vet said that he has 2 breaks in his pelvic bone and would need surgery and yet I am reading that a cat in that condition can cage rest for 8/10 weeks and it would heal itself. He can not go to toilet anymore on his own for the rest of his life, will he still be able to have a good life.

Hi Sharon.  Sometimes all that healing will require is cage rest, but it depends on how the bones are broken.  Often, the cat needs to have pins surgically inserted into the bones to help them mend, or broken pieces of the bone may need to be removed.  Only with hairline fractures may cage rest alone help promote proper healing.  

A cat can still have a fine quality of life if they are unable to move their bowels or bladder on their own.  The conditions are not painful as long as you are sure to express the bladder and bowels as often as needed.  But this will be an added responsibility for you.  Also, stool softeners are sometimes given to cats to make emptying the bowels easier, and your kitty may be reluctant to take the medicine at first, but most cats grow very tolerant of this quite quickly.  In the end, it's a very personal decision that only you can make.  

Best wishes,