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Dirty kitten


I have a kitten, she is now 3 months old and she is always attacking me and biting really hard. Plus everyday she has a bowel movement everyday on the floor right be side her litter box but she always urinates in the litterbox and it is always clean. Everytime she does this I pick up the poop and put it in the litterbox but this does not help and it is driving me crazy

Jackie, by pooping beside the litterbox she is trying to tell you that something is wrong. She may not like the litter, or she may have some sort of medical problem with her bowels. She should see a vet ASAP to rule out medical causes for this behavior. If the litter is in a high traffic area she could be trying to tell you that she would like a little more privacy to do her business. If you have air freshener by the litter pan or use a scented kitty litter then she may be telling you that the scents bother her. Some cats have sensitivities to perfumes the same way that people do.
The kitten attack issue is common. You need to address that now, before she gets bigger and stronger. A dollar store spray bottle filled with water and squirted at her every time she attacks is going to help drive home the fact that this behavior is not welcome. If she is grabbing your hand with her paws and biting you stay absolutely still and tell her NO! in a sharp tone. I know that kitten bites hurt and you want to pull away, but in doing so you will be acting just like prey and she will bite harder and hold on tighter. You can tap her on the nose with one finger to drive the point home, her mother would give her a smack to stop unwanted behavior, just remember that you want to be firm enough to make a point, but gentle enough not to cause your kitten any harm. Finally transferring your kitten's unwanted stalking and hunting behaviors to interactive toys like kitty teases and giving her catnip mice to hunt, stalk and kill will probably help. Try to keep an eye on the times of day that she is most playful and throw her toys for her, play with her with a tease, have fun with her. It will be good for you and her to bond this way and your hands and feet will thank you. Remember, your little one has strong hunting instincts and you have to train her how to use them appropriately. Hopefully I was able to shed some light on your kitten's behavior and help give you a start on how to "fix" the issues that are concerning you at this point. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.