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did my cat get got?


last night my indoor cat who has never been breed and is in heat got outside and was out for about 45 min i looked her over very well when she came back in, is there any way to see if she got got while she was out??

Hi Domonique.  No, unfortunately, there is no easy way to tell whether the cat was bred or not.  If she was outside for only 45 minutes, it's somewhat unlikely that she successfully mated during this time, as females tend to be a little apprehensive with their first encounters.  However, missing fur or broken skin on the back of the neck probably would indicate that a male at least tried to breed her, as they will hold females still by the scruff of their neck.

You could have her spayed immediately before any embryos have a chance to really take hold in case she did mate.  Or, you could wait about 4 weeks to see if she turns out to be pregnant.  Around this time, many owners notice pinkened nipples and the belly beginning to round out a little.  A blood test at the vet's office can also confirm pregnancy at 30 days.

Best wishes to you both!
