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feline skin condition

20 16:46:51

My cat is almost 11 years old, and weighs about 15 pounds.  Recently her appetite has diminished greatly although she still has as much energy as ever.  My concern is that in the past couple of days  she has developed a rash on her back just past her shoulders.  It is a group of red dots and the fur is much thinner in that area.  Does this sound like something I can handle myself, or do you think that it requires veterinary attention?

It sounds minor, but should probably be seen by a vet for a diagnosis and proper treament.  It might be a food allergy which is more difficlut to pinpoint the culprit.  Have your added something different to her diet? Try that at first.  If its a food allergy taking it away should clear it up.  If that dosent work, take her to the vet.  Let me know what happens.
Have you given her a flea/tick solution there like revolution or advantage?  She might be having a reaction.  Either way call your vet to make sure.