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Could you please tell me how long a cat can go without food.  Charleee was taken to the vets on Friday and was diagnosed with an abscess on her tongue. I have to take her back on Wednesday for a check up, but she hasn't eaten since Friday. Do you think she needs to go back before Wednesday?  

Hi Sharon!  Cats can go for a few days without food... is Charleee drinking?  That's a main concern, if Charleee isn't drinking then I'd definitely take her back to the Doctor.  Don't be alarmed, but they MAY have to do subcutaneous fluids (that's technical for an IV) to make sure she is getting her fluids.  If she IS drinking, to ensure she is getting SOME nutrition, you could open a can of tuna and drain out the juice into her water dish.  You could also do this with chicken or beef broth... a little bit of the meat will be in there, and will get VERY soft so she will be eating a little.  Are her bowel movements ok?  What about urine?  As long as those are ok - that's a good sign.  Her bowel movements may be a little less frequent, since she doesn't have much in her tummy at the moment - that's normal.  If they're a little on the runny side (and she's drinking lots of water), that's ok too.  Just make a note of that and make sure to tell the vet when she goes for her check up.

Good luck - let me know how she's doing!