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My cat just tore me up



I've had my cat Shadow for about 5 years. She was a stray and when I first got her I took her to the vet, got all her shots and had her spade. Since then she has been an indoor cat. She's generally very loving but there has been a cat hanging around for the last several months and it's been driving her mad since it has taken residence under our back deck. It's not a stray cat, it has a pink collar on.

Shadow only goes out on a leash with me and generally we don't have a problem. Unfortunately she can get out of her harness in a flash but generally never tries unless she gets anxious. The cat in question streaked by her today and she went wild. I reacted without thinking and grabbed her. Needless to say she bit me about eight times, deep puncutures that bled for about five minutes. I washed the wounds for about five minutes with soap and warm water and only have neosporin to put on them.

My questions is, should I be concerned about rabies first and foremost? I know I should have taken her back for her shots but it's such a traumatic ordeal for us both. I had her appointment two months ago and only drove a block with her before I had to come back she was in a state of shock. (I lost a cast once driving it to the vet, it died of shock of being in the car)

Needless to say, I'm shaken but realize the attack was not directed at me but because the other cat was in the vincity. Shadow is a very loving cuddly cat most the time. Her attitude has only changed since the other cat has been hanging around.

Hi Shelia,
I don't think you need to worry about rabies since she is bascially an indoor cat, but you really do need to get her vaccinated.  For instance......if you had her outside and a child approached and wanted to "love" on her.  Then the strange cat appears, your cat goes beserk and bites and/or maims the child.  LAW SUIT waiting to happen!!  Not to mention, if you cannot prove your cat had a rabies vaccination, she will be confiscated and put in a cage for 6 weeks at YOUR expense.  So, having her vaccinated not only protects her against rabies, but protects you also. sure to watch those bites, as they can get really infected. If you haven't had a tetanus shot, you need to get one.  Cat bites can be very very dangerous, especially when they bites like yours did. If you cannot afford to go to a doctor, go to a free health clinic.  

You are right, the attack was not directed at you.  She was upset over seeing the other cat and just reacted.  Maybe you could carry a squirt bottle full of water and when you see the other cat, squirt it.  That might help.

God Bless,