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my cat Jake


I have a 13 yr old cat whom I rescued when he was 3. He has never been healthy or robust and he has stopped eating altogether 3 days ago. I have been giving him cat milk which he seems to like but he is so lethargic all he wants to do is sleep.  I feel he is at the end of his life and would like to keep him with me as long as possible and as long as he is not in pain. I have never had a cat as a pet before and I am wondering if he could be in pain and not be making any sounds? Thank you.

Hi Veronica!
You certainly have done something right if you rescued him when he was three and now he is 13!!  If he has stopped eating, though, something indeed is very wrong. Is he using the litter box, or acting as if he is straining?  Male cats are prone to urinary tract infections,and it is a matter of life and death. You really need to take him to a Veterinarian that would be able to "unstop" him and he could very well live a longer life. Even if he is not stopped up, I still feel like he is in need of professional care. Please do not wait,I really think this is an emergency.

God Bless,