Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > No mites, yeast, or infection, but itchy itchy ears.

No mites, yeast, or infection, but itchy itchy ears.


My 10 year old awesome indoor-only black cat has itchy ears but is otherwise healthy and hasn't had any health problems. Her ears are totally gunk-free, discharge-free, booboo/sore-free, smell-free, redness and swelling-free. She has  always been a little wonky about her ears though: if you massage near them she will try to get you to stick your finger inside her ears by pushing consistently and firmly against your finger (or if you are rubbing with your knuckle, she'll try to get you to stick it in her ear). Afterwards, she'll shake her head and then glare at you. She doesn't dig or scratch at her ears with her claws, though. It doesn't seem to be a health or pest issue, is there anything else this could be? And, is there any natural treatments that would soothe her need to have a knuckle shoved down her ear such as warm olive oil?

Thanks a mil!

well this is a puzzle. All i can suggest is that you take a look at my web page about cat ear problems and see if there is anything there that rings a bell with her symptoms.

here is the page


There are some remedies on the page which may also be of help.

best wishes kate