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neutering male cats


I have a 9 month old male tabby cat that i had neutered about 3 months ago in september. as i have seen in many other neutered male cats, after the surgery, the ball sack starts to shrink and become smaller. my cat still has the same size sack as he did before he got neutered. his penis also still comes out. is this normal or should his ball sack be getting smaller?


I wouldn't be too concerned about the size of your kitten's scrotum. It takes awhile to shrink after neutering, remember it took awhile to grow. As for your cat's penis still coming out that is normal, it has to be cleaned and since it is in a sheath in cats they have to show it to clean it. A cat's penis can occasionally come out at other times, it isn't anything to worry about unless it is out all of the time or the penis looks like it might be blocked with a sandy looking material. Keep an eye on his litter box, that is a good way to know how much he is eliminating and if it changes he should see a vet. If you have a multiple cat household it can be hard to judge, so if you are concerned at any point about changes in the box watch the cats for other symptoms such as straining to urinate, crying while using the box (sounding painful), loss of appetite, vomiting...These are all signs that should prompt a trip to the vet to find out what is happening. If you are concerned by how your kitten is progressing after the surgery you can have your vet check him over if it will ease your concerns. If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me again. I will try to answer your questions as quickly and accurately as possible.