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I have a male tabby kitten.  We got him last July, he was 3 months old.  He is getting neutered tomorrow.  About a month ago, he started whining a LOT...mostly at night, but during the day too.  We love him and he is adorable, but his whining is so extreme that he is keeping my whole family awake at night.  Do you think neutering him will help?  I am afraid we will have to let him go if we can't get a handle on this.  Otherwise, he is very sweet.  He eats plenty....I hope you have advice.

yes I do think having him neutered will help. the whining was probably the first indication of him calling for a mate etc. It can be very persistent.

Don't worry have him neutered, give him a few weeks for his body to adjust and i'm sure his whining will stop

best wishes Kate