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how to make my cat fat...


I would like some common-sence advice on what i can to to make my cat gain weight..about 6mo old and skinny as a rail i want a fat cat...can u help me??  thankx

A 6-month old cat is pretty much a teenager, so like some human teens, they seem to be all skin and bones. S/He is probably going through a growth spurt, too.

Some cats are genetically predisposed to being thin (think Siamese), so even for a mixed cat, thinness might be unavoidable.

Feed him/her a good quality food - more food doesn't necessarily mean a heavier cat, but a good food will add muscle to the body. And some cats will not get fat no matter how much it's fed. Spaying and neutering will not get a cat fat, but unaltered will keep the cat real thin as it deals with hormones. Plus (don't mean to sound like a lecture), overweight cats can have the same health issues that people and dogs have...diabetes, heart and liver issues, arthritis, etc.

I would just be patient with the cat while s'he's growing. A cat in a good weight with a good coat looks healthier, too.