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Dusty cat


OK Here is my question. My cat is driving me crazy because when
she is let ouside she goes right for the dusty dirty area on our lawn
and rolls in it. She come back in the house with her coat filty. I have
to get a wet paper towl and clean her off - she seems to like it. But
I want her to stop - aren't cats suppose to be clean animals? help
me!!!  Kraig in Colorado

Hello Kraig,
Sounds like this kitty likes a good roll in the dirt! Have you inspected the area she rolls in to see if there is anything she might find 'appealing' to have all over her?  Most times cats are, indeed, very clean animals.  This sounds more like a behavioural issue, and you might find some one on the site to better answer your question. If she seems in good coat condition and good general health, this may be a quirk of somekind that she has.  
I wish I could be of more help, as I'm sure you are frustrated with her antics.
Good luck with her