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cat lost 5 kittens


hi; my +/- 6 month old cat, just had 5 kittens; about 3 weeks ago. This was her 1st litter; the father was a stray; and has not been back since. Unfortunately all 5 died. The vet said it was a viral infection; and that she had mastitus. She was an excellent first time mom; never far from them; just to eat. Since they passed; she walks around aimlously; and keeps meeowing whilst she tries to find them. This has now gone on for 24 hrs a day; for the past 3 days. I lcannot sleep; as she follows me evrywhere; and meeows; in the hopes that i will bring them back to her. Even though i showed her last kitten that had already passed on, to her; she just kept licking it and meeowing; then she took it and hid it from us. I realise she has not taken hold of her unfortunate situation; and to say the least is very confused and upset; so much so that now she doesnt eat anything i try to even tempt her with; let alone her meals. I cant bear to see her this way; nor can i just sit back and just let her fade away. To make things worse; one of our other kitties we adopted @ the same time as her; is about to have her own kittens; i am concerned how she  will react to this; maybe hide one away? Should i look for a kitty to adopt; so she can feel like she didn't lose them all? What should i do?

Heartbroken & tired


Truly, having kittens at age 6 months is way too young, so it is not surprising she lost the kittens, and I am truly sorry for your and her loss.

Cats are very practical creatures, so grieving for any loss usually does not go on for more then a couple of weeks at most.

The thing to watch for is that your 6 month old who had the stillborn kittens does not steal the other female's kittens.  I would isolate the other female in her own area until her kittens are weaned and keep the female who lost her kittens from accessing the pregnant female or her kittens.

I would seriously think about getting the first female spayed, or she may be in season in a few weeks and turn up pregnant again, which may or may not go the same way. We wait until out females are at least a year old before we let them breed.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Seasonal regards... Norm.