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Grown Cat Spraying Territory

20 16:46:08

Hello, my cat's name is Braxton and he is about 6 years old. I've had him since he was born in my closet. Just about every other day Braxton is releasing this terrible smell. Some people says that he is staging his territory. He sprays my clothes in the closets, my bed, anything he feels that I use or have some kind of contact with. The question is...What can I get or do to stop him for spraying and leaving that awful smell aroung my home and personal garments without getting him fixed?  

well first of all i dont know why you dont want to get him fixed. if you arent allowing him to have sex he has no need to not be fixed. getting him fixed will put him out of his sexual misery...he sprays not only to mark this territory but to attract a female.

there are things out there on the market you can buy that you can spray where he marks, it changes the odor of his markings and makes the area unplesant to be in. the problem with this is..he will just start marking other areas in the home to claim his territory.

getting him fixed really is the best answer. not only will he eventually stop marking, but he will no longer feel the sexual desire for a female.