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kitten and an older cat


I have a 14 year old cat who lost his companion of 13 years (they were together since they were 1). They got along very well. I got a kitten at the advice of my vet and many friends. The older cat started accepting the kitten, until he began to go outside (we have a large enclosed garden, which is very safe for cats). Even though the older cat watches the kitten outside (we have other cat neighbors), he hisses at him most of the time. Also, the kitten is getting bigger and trying to play more and this make the older cat very angry. The kitten is 17 weeks old. Is there anything I can do to help them get along. I've had the kitten almost 5 weeks now and this seems like a big backward step.


Hi Shana,

I'm not surprised your older cat isn't getting along with the younger one, the kitten has a lot more energy than the older and probably wants to play all the time!  Its probably annoying the older cat like crazy!  Unfortunately, you're probably not going to get them to get along any better than they all ready are, the age difference is just too great, especially now that the kitten is not so much a kitten anymore and doesn't need taking care of.  You may just have to accept that this is as good as it gets with the two of them.  Make sure you're giving the older one lots of attention so it doesn't feel like he's being replaced but don't expect too much from him.  He's already lost his companion, you don't want him to feel like he's losing you, too.