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LOUD MEOWS...make them stop

20 16:43:37

I can't sleep at night! My cat meows and meows and meows. (I think he's got a lot of siamese in him.) He wants out, but he failed the outdoor test by getting trapped for four days in a garage! He's so loud the upstairs neighbors thought he was outside trying desparately to get in!

He wakes me at least twice a night and has me up for hours before he finally quiets down.

It also seems that if he can get me to wake up and leave the bedroom and do something else, this also satisfies him somehow. I'm not paying attention to him, he's in another room, but finally quiet.

Please help, I need my sleep!!  

Just wanted to let you know that you have been misinformed about cryptorchids.  They CAN, indeed, be neutered.  It's done every day, routinely.  One of my Siamese had cryptorchidism and was neutered fully with no problem.  It takes a little extra effort, but it is still a very minor surgery.  As long as your cat has one or both testicles, he WILL exhibit sexual behavior.  And cats with cryptorchids that are not removed are at higher risk for testicular and prostate cancer.  I suggest pursuing a full neuter for your health and his.