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Dry nursing


Hi, I have a 6mo. old kitten who was weaned two months ago by his mom (my older cat).  Evan though her milk is gone, which I can tell by her weight gain, he relentlessly tries to dry nurse on her.  She gets very aggitated, and warns him away with quick bites &/or kicks.  I am afraid she may become resentful of him.  How, if possible, can I assist them?


They will get on fine, once he stops trying to nurse and is neutered.  My basic rule of cat inter-relationships is to let them sort it out on their own.  Any human interference or assistance will be counter productive and only end up making matters worse.  They will sort it out.  He will figure out that if he tries to nurse it will be unpleasant and, eventually (which could be many weeks), he will leave her alone.

Best regards... Norm.