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who to make my cat fat ?


QUESTION: hi i rally want to know who to make my cat fat & hilthy at the seme time ? cuse my cat is 1 yaer old & it waet 3.5 kelos

ANSWER: Razan,

Like people, there are many different body shapes and sizes for cats.  At 3.5 Kilos, your cat may be the right weight for its body type.

Why do you think your cat does not weigh enough or is not healthy.  We have Abyssinians and a 3.5 Kilo female would be a good size!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanx for answering me but my cat is a mael and he was wight 4.5 kilos and he looks saik and then and he is a large cat


It sounds as if he has a veterinary problem and is not eating as well as he should.  I would get him to a vet and see what is going on.  It is not good to lose 20% of body weight.  This usually happens because of illness.

Best regards... Norm.