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20 16:46:52

I really don't even know where to begin and it is difficult to put all of my concern into a question.  I have a regular old House Cat (although she does love togo out) that I have had since she was a kitten, for almost 8 years now.  We have been through so much together.  She has always had some strange behaviours but lately she even surprises me.  For example in the morning she will carry on like she is starving, I get up and feed her and she won't even touch her food.  Also she is very picky and most of the time will not eat any other cat food besides whiskas.  But she also does other things.  She likes to sleep in boxes and lately has been planting her self right on topof the VCR.  She also will all od aa sudden justgo crazy, tonight she sprang into action and than jumped up all the way on the top ledge of my computer table where I was sitting, knocked down a book from there and them hopped on down.  Than I was petting her, she was on my lap and purring up a storm and all of a sudden she bites me, jumps down than comes back a few minutes later and gets up on top of the chair back.  I remember reading somewhere there  is something about cats needing to get up high?   Anyway like I said theres other stuff too she just seems kind of strange, I love her so much and I think shes okay over all I guess sme cats just have their ways.  Also their is a big cat that comes around outside and my cat really seems afraid of her and again will et up high until I can finally scare the other cat away.  I thought over tinmes they would make friends.  My cat is female and fixed and that cat is supposed to be male, but I thought it was two females that didn't get along.  One last thing, how much are cats supposed to eat a day, and why does my cat never want water hardly and never drink milk?  thank you so much I know theres alot there so whateer you can respond to I will appreciate it.  Thanks so much......Diane

your first question, cats are just weird, they do things 24/7 that people question. and cats do like to be on tall stuff.One of my cats named purrbox, loves to sit in boxes.How we feed are cats is to just leave dry food out all day. Milk causes constipation. i hope i answered your questions