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My First cat.

20 16:46:41

dear amie:
      Thanks for reading this.My cat is a male at about 9 months and it's breed is a turkish angora with an odd eyed.Recently he have been kinda agreesive and jump over me while I am sleeping.What really annoy me is that he pee all over the place.I don't now why.I am really kind to him and take care of him.This is really really really annoy my mam that she wants to let him please help in that.
      Another thing is that I want to Mate him with another cat so I want to know wiether he is ready or not.
                            Please answer soon.

 The reason why your cat will be peeing all over the place is because he is spraying his home. This is so if any other cat was to come and go in his home they will no that another cat already lives here. So he is letting other cats no not to come near his home.
Also when he is more older u should let him go outside..this will make he stop peeing inside and will also start marking his home outside. So it will be alot easier.

If you want to mate your cat then you should go to your vet and ask for some details. They will probaly give u a leaflet and tell u all sorts of information.

I do hope i have helped. Let me no if there is anything else u would like to no.

               Thanks from amie