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Female Kittens


Hello Jessica!

My name is, Denise, and someone dropped a male cat off in front of my house and we want to keep him because we love cats but we already have a female kitten that is about 7 months old and we needed to know what age she will come in heat and what age she can get pregnant?

Hi Denise.  She is getting to the age where she could come into heat at any time, and she can get pregnant on her first heat.  Generally, you can expect a cat's first heat to occur any time after 6 months old.  The average age is 9 months, but many cats DO go into heat younger.  You should schedule an appointment to have one or both of the cats fixed immediately.  Males are simpler and less expensive to neuter, so you could start with him.  But females experience more health benefits if they are fixed before their first heat, including a greatly reduced risk of mammary cancer.  If she goes into heat just once, her chances of mammary cancer will triple.  Also, she will be at almost no risk for deadly diseases of the uterus such as pyometra, and she will be unable to get uterine or ovarian cancer.  So it should be a priority to have her spayed, as well.

Best wishes with your new addition!
