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meowing/stray cat


Hi Lisa,
I have fed a stray cat daily for the past 6 months.  She LOVES
being outside.  That's the only life (I'm guessing) that she's ever
known.  I called a shelter and they said all the no kill shelters are
full.  If it wasn't for the cold wintery months in the midwest,
she'd be a very happy outside cat.  My husband's eyes get all
watery when he visits houses that cats also live in.  Anyway.... we  
have tried to keep her in our house a few times and she meows
so loudly at times!  After a few hours, I give up and let her
outside.  However, it is getting too cold to let her out. Crazy cat!
I have to go outside and pick her up in order to get her in the
house. When will the meowing by the door stop?  

Also.... Do you know the lowest temperature it can be outside
for a cat to survive?  We have had some cold nights and I
thought maybe she died.  But.... no... she would show up by our
back door waiting to be fed.  Often, she "camps out" on our
patio chair that is under a canopy portion of our house.  Any
details on what I've shared with you would be very much
Thank you,

the meowing at the door will stop if she is spayed and once she is used to being in the house. it just takes time

what is too cold for pets.....well usually the humane society says when the temp gets below freezing 32degrees, its time to bring them in.