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Behavioral Issues



We adopted a cat from a local humane society a few months ago.  Tigg (our cat) has the personality of a puppy.  He is happy to see us when we get home from work everyday at the door.  We love our cat but he has some bad habbits that we are unsure how to break.
For instance, every morning between 3 - 5 am he sits outside of our bedroom door and meows until we go out and give him some attention. We've tried ignoring him but he is persistant.  Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this specific example?

Thank you for your time.



I have no idea how to break Tigg of the habit.  You have two options as I see it:

(1) Continue to ignore Tigg and, hopefully, after a few more months he may tire of it.


(2)  Let him in your bedroom at night.

Frankly, I do not think Tigg will give it up if you choose option (1).

If you do find a way to break him of the habit, please let me know.

On the other hand, does Tigg free feed or do you give him breakfast in the mornings?  This may or may not have something to do with Tigg's behavior.

Good luck & best regards... Norm.