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Indoor Outdoor


I have a five year old cat and I am moving to where she cannot be an indoor cat anymore. She has been indoors her whole life, would it be dangerous to put her outside now?

Hello Kelsey, I'm sorry to hear that you feel in your new place, your baby can not remain an indoor cat.  Is there a reason for this?  Has your cat been declawed?

If your cat has been declawed, it would be too dangerous to let her outdoors where (1) she has no experience and (2) no claws to capture anything or defend herself.

Even if your cat was not previously declawed, she has no outdoor experience and it would be best if she COULD still remain an indoor cat.

Could you build a cat enclosure from one of your doors, giving her the opportunity (and you) to let her outdoors, but where she would still remain safe and unable to roam freely?

After seeing 2 of my indoor only cats after getting lost outdoors, I can honestly say that I would never allow my other animals outside again.  It has too much of a strain and tremendous amount of pressure on them.  Once you let her outside (even after keeping her in a minimum of 6 weeks after your move), she may go into scaredy cat panic mode and get immediately lost.

I do so hope you can build her a safe enclosure or rethink about how to keep her indoors after your move for your piece of mind, and this sweet baby!

Thank you and please feel free to ask any other questions.