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Complications with delivery


My cat has been in active labor now for over 12 hours. I do not have the finances to be able to get her into the vet's office. The cat has been pushing for so long that she is getting tired out. Is there anything that I can do to help her? I do not want her to be hurt or even the kittens. I can still feel the kittens moving around, she is just not able to push the first one out. I do not see one stuck in the canal. This is her second litter of kittens and is much worse than her first litter.

Hi Kristy,

You have to get the cat to the vet. She and the kittens will die otherwise. Make payment arrangements with the vet. Or write a bad check. But get that cat taken of care right away. This is a life or death situation. Do whatever you need to pay the vet but get that cat to him right away. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen