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Using Brother Cat to Find Missing Cat


My cat, Tock, has been missing a couple of months. I've been getting calls from a nearby apt complex from people saying they've seen a cat that looks like Tock (I have posters up there). But when I go over there, in the day and at night I never see any cats. Tock was afraid of strangers and I know that in an unfamiliar area, cats don't even know their owners, so it's unlikely that he would come out even though I shake his treat bag like I used to always do before giving him treats. I was thinking that I could take his brother over there on a leash and walk him around (try to get him to walk) on the leash and see (if it is Tock) if he comes out.

Hi Stephanie,

Sorry about Tock being missing. I wouldn't use his brother. You might lose him too. At this time Tock is very frightened and he most likely won't recognize him. He would only see a strange cat. And Tock would hide from him. Here's a few links from another expert here. She has a lot of good ideas on how to get Tock back. And it most likely is Tock that is at the complex. Cats are usually within less than a mile from their homes. There have been many times that people get their furry friends back even after a couple of months.

Use her ideas at the apartment complex. And check out some more of her answers. She was the lost cat expert.

Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen