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Time between births; first litter


We were adopted by a tortoise-shell calico; she appears quite young.  We've been feeding and caring for her ... along with the condo neighborhood, for about 5 months+.
I became worried about her health and took her to the vet, he said she had a bunch of kittens in her!  My daughter is thrilled ... today at about 3:00 pm she had the first of the litter, a very large orange/white.  It is almost 8:00pm and she has not had another,  She does not appear to be in any distress and she is loving and taking very good care of the first-born.  At one point her respiration were labored ... but she looked fine.  At others, she is purring and grooming the kitten.  Anything to worry about, regarding more kitts?  Many thanks.

Hi Charlie,

Sometimes very young cats will have only one or two kittens for their first litter. Feel her belly. Does it feel soft and gushy? If so, she most likely doesn't have any more kittens in her. If it feels hard, I would get her checked out by a vet. And if she still seems in labor then also get her to the vet. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen