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Tail biting in cats


Our 15 yr. old cat began biting her tail about 2 months ago.  Her vet said she could have a neurological problem since she is in good health otherwise.  She kept her tail raw and bloody, had chewed down to the cartiledge.  The vet amputated about 4 inches off her tail.  She was OK while the bandage was still on (about 3 days), but resumed biting when bandage was removed.  We have been keeping bandages on her tail, but she eventually pulls them off and resumes biting.  She behaves as if her tail is "the enemy"....running from it, swatting and biting it.  Have you ever heard of this?  Can you help?  Unless something can be done for her, we will have to have her put to sleep.

Hello Ann,

I think your veterinarian is the one you need to be asking advice on this.  Ask him/her if there are any meds such as a very mild tranquilizer would help? Have you tried the product called "bitter apple"?  Placing it on the tail would make it very unpleasant to chew on.  I would try that before doing anything as drastic as putting her down.
If it's so bad that putting her to sleep is the only option, ask your vet if he/she thinks a complete amputation of the tail would be an option?   

Good luck and God bless!