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My pregnant cats recent behavior


My girls are due any day. Beautiful Bengal girls. They are on there 62nd day of pregnancy. One is extremely aggressive and has severely attacked me 3 times now, when she has always been loving and sweet before. And the other started having diarrhea today. This morning her stool was fine. By this afternoon it was runny. I keep them separate since they dont get along and one got into the other ones room somehow and they got  into a pretty bad fight today. Not sure if that has any barring but thought I would add. Thanks for you help.


I would recommend that you check with your vet just to be sure that nothing serious is going on with your little girls. Since the girls are pregnant my concern is that they could become sick and pass their illness on to their kittens after birth and I'm sure you're aware that kittens don't have much resistance to disease when they're born. I wouldn't wait to have this little mom checked because you'll want to know how to look out for the best interests of mom and her litter. Mood swings can happen with cats during pregnancy, the only worry that I have is that labor has already started in the little girl who has gotten aggressive and there may be complications with the delivery. You know your cats best, you will be able to evaluate changes in their behavior, personality and mood better than the vet, if you think that there may be something going on with one or both of these moms to be it's a good idea to see about having a vet in to see them just to confirm that everything is still okay with moms and their babies. I'm not sure that the discussion the girls had today has anything to do with the loose stool, the girls probably are aware that they're about to become mothers within the next few days, possibly even tonight! If the cats aren't normally nasty with each other it's possible that one or both is in the early stages of labor and she's simply following her maternal instincts to protect her unborn babies.