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Hi Jessica..My name is christal and my cat just gave birth to 3 kittens 2 days ago well it makes 3 today..Everything has been fine she's still bleeding right now but very light so i guess thats about to stop..But my main question is, just starting today she been like meowing and falling on the floor like she's dizzy she even like walk backwards like something is wrong or hurting her do you know the reason for her doing that and what should be done by me...Thank You..

Hi Christal.  Have you ever seen a cat who is in heat, the time when she is receptive to males and looking to mate?  During this time a cat will meow loudly, roll on the floor and raise her hind quarters, especially if you touch her around her tail.  I don't know if this is possibly what you're seeing.  Most cats who have kittens don't go into heat until their kittens start to eat solid foods, but some will go into heat just a couple days after their kittens are born.  This means if she comes into contact with a male, she could become pregnant again.  It's very important to keep her away from males, because nursing a litter at the same time as supporting a developing unborn litter is very dangerous to her health.

However, if you have any doubt whatsoever that she may be in heat, and you think she's in pain, you should definitely get her to the vet.  It seems like she may have been bleeding a little bit longer than usual, so it would probably be a good idea to have that checked out.  If she has had abnormal blood loss, then that would certainly make her dizzy, and if there's some kind of internal injury from delivery, it would definitely cause her pain.

Hope everything is okay with her and that you enjoy your little ones!
