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Neutering 7 month old cat with feline herpes


We adopted 2 cats from Maryland cat rescue. They are Maine Coon Cats.  Both have feline herpes disease. Our male cat is scheduled to be neutered but he had a bout of feline herpes 2 weeks ago in which my vet prescribed him lysine daily and eye drops. His symptoms "disappeared" about a week it okay to have him neutered ....he is about 7 months old and he has had all of his shots except for rabies.";  

I would think that this would be fine given how simple the neutering operation is but I would be more hesitant if we were dealing with a female in the same situation. Ultimately, though, the person to decide is your vet. I am sure he would not be proceeding with a neuter if he had any concerns on whether it would exacerbate the herpes.

Bless you for being willing to take in kitties with this type of problem and for taking such thoughtful care of them. Good luck.
