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So I've had my cat since he was born, back when I was 10, and he's about 7 now, and he's always been pretty healthy for the most part...but in about the last year or so he has been starting to throw up a lot, but it's just like dry food that he hasn't been fully hair balls, or worms, or anything like that. But he does it a lot, and...I just don't know if there is something wrong with him, or if it's even normal?  And what can I do about it (if there is anything I can do about it), because I'm sure he enjoys it about as much as I like cleaning it up...which isn't very much, for the record.

Anything you can help me with would be great. Thanks a lot.

Hi Carmine!

My cats do the same thing.  I think they overeat sometimes.  Hairballs will cause this, although you said you never see any.  Just to be on the safe side, put a bit of margerine or butter on his paws .  He will lick it off, and it will help with the hairballs.  If he does it ever now and then, I woudln't really worry.  If he does it every time he eats, it could be a real problem and he would need veterinary attention.  

God Bless,