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watery eye


I live in Egypt and just purchased a traditional (non-show quality) male Siamese kitten. He is 3 months old. I am an American optician and so familiar with human eye conditions and have no reason to think he has an infection. The situation is one eye ONLY seems so weak and always has big tears running out of it and he often holds it half way closed. He has not damaged his eye as I know of or can see and unless there is microscopic damage or a particle there doesn't seem to be anything in it.
It has been this way since I have had him and I have had him about 1 month now. The water is clear. Thank you so much for your help because there aren't many domestic vets here and in fact, sadly not many people care about animals here and I need help.

Kind thanks, Jude


Honestly, there are a large number of possibilities for what might be causing this baby's ocular discharge. I really think that it would be in the kitten's best interests to see a veterinarian who has modern facilities and is current on all of the diagnostic and treatment protocols in cats. Since this baby is purebred I was wondering - did he come from a local breeder? If so you would think that the breeder would have a reliable vet since many medical issues can come up when you're breeding cats from obstetrical issues to more mundane health issues to more serious chronic issues. If the kitten was shipped in from elsewhere or your breeder doesn't have a veterinarian that you feel comfortable with I'd be willing to try and help you find someone. Do you know if there are any veterinary hospitals set up by worldwide animal welfare organizations like WSPA (World Society for the Protection of Animals) or other similar groups in or near your area? This kitten really should see a qualified vet who has decent training and experience as well as being aware of current treatments for disorders of the eye in cats just in case there are more serious issues happening. I'd be more than happy to try and help you find a veterinarian to treat this baby if you gave me a general area where you're writing from, I might be able to contact Canadian or American offices of various animal welfare organizations that might be willing to direct me to the nearest veterinary hospital that's able to provide current, appropriate exams and treatment options.